A Quick Review of the Spring Checklist

Once again, spring is here. We’re having some residual cold weather as winter gives its last couple of kicks, but it’s definitely springtime. That means it’s time to get started on our spring lawn care. Let’s take a look at some of the tasks you should look into this year.

best watering practices1. Sprinklers

We’ve talked a lot about xeriscaping and other low-water landscaping, but most of us still have large, grassy lawns. That’s going to need some watering. Water conservation hasn’t become any less of a concern since last summer, so if you haven’t already, it’s probably a good idea to upgrade your sprinkler system. There are plenty of automated systems you can install to help you manage your water usage to minimize water waste. Now’s a good time to look into the options and find out what will work best for your yard.

aerate your lawn2. Aeration

Your lawn’s soil gets compacted over time, making it hard for nutrients and water to filter into it. Aeration is a process for correcting this. With the weather starting to warm, your grass will be going into an active growth period. This is the best time for aeration, as the grass will recover from the stress more quickly. If you wait too long, the summer heat will slow the grass growth, meaning the holes in the ground will be more visible and the grass will take longer to grow back.

3. Planting New Trees and Shrubs

wheelbarrowWe’re coming up on the best time to plant new trees and shrubs in our yards. You want your new additions to have time to grow strong after the shock of moving them into your yard before the summer heat slows them down. So, just like aeration, early spring is the point where you want to do this. You’ll want to speak with a landscape expert about this, though. You want to pick plants not just because they look good, but that will be able to handle the hot summers and cold winters of Northern Utah.

Have Any Summer Plans?

If you’ve got any summer plans, now is the time to really get started. This summer is probably going to be a hot one – they all are, really – and it can be hard work being out in the sun. It’s better to use spring to get your projects under way. That way, the hardest parts will be done early and you can enjoy your summer more.

That’s not all you should be doing, though. If you know you’re going to need some regular yard service this summer, then now is the time to start scheduling that. Don’t wait until the week before you’ll start needing help to get it, or you might find everybody’s booked up.

CV Lawn King - Landscaping and Yard Maintenance Cache Valley UtahNeed Some Help?

CV Lawn King is here. If you’ve got some projects planned, we can help you get it done. Don’t hesitate to call or get in touch.

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