The Heat Is On

Smart Irrigation MonthWe’ve gone from a wet spring to a hot, dry summer. We’re definitely glad of the extra water we got, but it looks like that’s over and the heat is going to start using that water up. That means it’s even more important for us to be smart with our watering practices. That’s why July has been set up as Smart Irrigation Month, to help spread awareness of the importance of water conservation.

Smart Irrigation Month

In few places is water conservation more important than Utah, the second driest state in the country. That’s why we talked about some good watering practices last month. We hope you put some thought into our suggestions last month, but if you didn’t see it, go ahead and take a look at it now. Better late than never.
This month, we’d like to expand a bit on the subject.

Irrigation Methods

A good irrigation system can make water conservation much easier on you, so it’s important to know what methods are best for your yard.

1. Sprinkler Systems

sprinklersSprinklers are good for large yards, since they cover large areas. They have manual and automatic options, both of which have their pros and cons. Manual sprinklers are easier to run; you just turn on the valve to get them started, then turn it off when you’ve watered enough. The downside is that it’s possible to forget about them and leave them running for too long, or turn them off too soon. You might even forget to turn them on in the first place.
Automatic sprinkler systems avoid those problems, but they have to be adjusted to suit the conditions. If you get a good rainstorm, for example, there’s no reason to run your automatic sprinklers. How many times have you been driving around and seen sprinklers going in the rain, though? If you don’t account for the conditions, you can waste more water than you save.

2. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is an advanced method designed to keep a small steady flow of water going into the soil over extended periods of time. It is an extremely good system for watering individual plans, or small yards. Drip irrigation systems drip water directly into the soil, so there is significantly less water loss from evaporation or runoff. They are very good at saving water, but they’re not efficient for large yards.

3. Hand Watering

The old fashioned way; hand watering is the simplest form of irrigation. Simply get a hose, or fill a watering and apply water directly to whatever you want wet. Hand watering has the great advantage of knowing exactly how much water you’re using, so you won’t waste any water as long as you know how much water to use. The downside is that it’s very time consuming for you compared to other methods. It’s also not great for yards. Hand watering is best for small gardens and individual plants – especially potted plants.

Moisture Sensors

soil moisture sensorA good way to enhance your irrigation system is to use moisture sensors. Soil moisture sensors are plugged into the ground and detect the amount of water at the root level of your lawn, letting you know exactly how much water you have. They can also be set up to connect with your irrigation systems to override any automatic programming. When the sensor detects that enough moisture is in the soil, it turns the sprinklers off. They’re very handy to help you avoid wasting water. They are somewhat complicated to install, however; you may need some help setting one up.

Save More Than Just Water

Water conservation can be about more than just saving water. It can be about saving money. In many dry states, water conservation is a serious concern to the local and state governments. They often institute policies to discourage wasting water. In Logan City, for example, the water rates double if you expend over a certain amount. Finding the best solutions to saving water is an important aspect of keeping your utility bills low. With smart planning and the right irrigation systems, you shouldn’t have any trouble keeping those water bills reasonable.

Let Us Help

CV Lawn King is happy to help you out with all your lawn care needs. Whether it’s mowing the lawn when you don’t have time to do it yourself, fertilizing, aeration, or any other part of yard maintenance, we’re there to help. If you’d like to schedule a time for us to come and help you out, get in touch with us today.

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